Welcome to my website!

Welcome to my website!

Born in Washington DC in 1982, I am a dual French-American national with family ties in Western Brittany, North Wales, and the Northwest Midlands of England. I was raised bilingually in English and French which allows me to translate my own books. In 2009, I obtained my degree in History at the University of Western Brittany. Since then, I have been an independent writer and researcher. I now live in Rennes, the capital of Brittany. In 2015, my first book…

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An American Chronicle (2e volume)

An American Chronicle (2e volume)

“An American Chronicle: A Comprehensive History of the United States of America from 1941 through the Present” est le second volume d’un livre  sur la société, la culture, la politique, la technologie et l’économie des Etats-Unis. Il a été publié le 17 août 2021 par Dee Valley Publishers. Ce second volume se compose de 10 chapitres. Il sert de référence et offre une présentation détaillée, factuelle et chronologie des principaux évènements qui ont marqué l’histoire des Etats-Unis depuis 1941. Il…

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Article du journal “Libération” (18-06-2021)

Article du journal “Libération” (18-06-2021)

Ce paragraphe est issu de l’article de Checknews, une rubrique du journal “Libération” Pays de Galles, le dragon rouge mythique Symbole du Pays de Galles, le dragon est l’emblème des troupes romaines qui occupent le pays au IIIe et IVe siècle. À leur départ, au siècle suivant, les Celtes l’ont repris pour asseoir leur autorité sur le territoire. «Le dragon occupe également un rôle central dans plusieurs écrits médiévaux», précise Glyn E. German, auteur du livre Une chronologie de l’histoire du Pays de Galles. On retrouve…

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Reviews on Amazon on “An American Chronicle”(Volume 1)

Reviews on Amazon on “An American Chronicle”(Volume 1)

First Review by Argos (April 12, 2021):  “Glyn German has done a masterful job of providing a detailed and complete chronicle of American history through the Great Depression. This is a wonderful resource for studying American history and is free from the current distortions that are rampant in today’s society. It is particularly useful for middle and high school students who are trying to gain a better understanding of the nation’s history. Homeschoolers will also benefit from this wonderful book….

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Endorsement letter by Thomas F. Sleete

Endorsement letter by Thomas F. Sleete

Thomas F. Sleete was awarded in 2005 the Michigan Gilder-Lehrman History Teacher of the Year. “An American Chronicle, by Glyn E. German, is just what the doctor ordered for students of American History. Two of the greatest weaknesses of students with regard to this subject matter are chronological reasoning and knowledge of the context of the times being assessed when answering examination questions. This book provides a wealth of information, is chronologically organized, and does so in clear concise prose…

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Endorsement letter by John Struck

Endorsement letter by John Struck

John Struck was awarded the US History Teacher of the Year for the state of Virginia in 2014 and Outstanding Educator by the University of Chicago in 2015. An American Chronicle, by Glyn E. German, is an exceptional work of history. As a teacher of American history for 34 years I have seen a few supplemental textbooks much like German’s work but this book is far more comprehensive. German’s text can be used by teachers and students alike. Teachers can utilize…

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Endorsement letter by Molly Chatalic

Endorsement letter by Molly Chatalic

Molly Chatalic is an Associate Professor of American Studies, University of Western Brittany, France (Departments of English Language and Literature & Applied Languages) I highly recommend the publication of Glyn German’s book, An American Chronicle. This work, which comprises 14 chapters, as well as numerous illustrations, appendices and a complete bibliography, traces in great detail the events of American history year by year. The content of each chapter is preceded by an introduction summarizing the historical period under investigation and…

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Preface by Philip Bigler, National Teacher of the Year 1998

Preface by Philip Bigler, National Teacher of the Year 1998

Over the past decade, there has been the continued erosion of the nation’s historical memory. Despite the amazing advances in technology and the unlimited access to information, political correctness and the annihilation of knowledge-based curricula, have left contemporary students bewildered and uninformed about their rich heritage and historical legacy. Countless scholarly studies and reports continue to document this woeful lack of basic knowledge while the National Assessment of Education Progress recently concluded that only 22% of high school graduates were…

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An American Chronicle (Volume 1)

An American Chronicle (Volume 1)

The first volume (236 pages) entitled, An American Chronicle: a Comprehensive History of the United States of America from the Pre-Columbian Era through the Great Depression, includes 14 chapters beginning by an introductory chapter on the peopling of North America and ending by the Great Depression and the New Deal. It was published by Dee Valley Publishers on February 27, 2021. If you are interested in ordering a copy, please find attached the link toward my website: http://www.deevalleypublishers.com/ It presents…

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Une critique du Dr. Dafydd Johnston, le directeur du Centre d’Etudes Avancées Galloises et Celtiques, Université du Pays de Galles, Aberystwyth:

Une critique du Dr. Dafydd Johnston, le directeur du Centre d’Etudes Avancées Galloises et Celtiques, Université du Pays de Galles, Aberystwyth:

“Glyn German a réuni dans un même ouvrage les dernières recherches en date pour présenter une étude chronologique, très instructive, sur l’histoire du Pays de Galles. Les lecteurs qui feuilletteront ce livre pour y trouver une réponse pratique, se trouveront vite rattrapés par l’histoire fascinante qu’il a à raconter. Couvrant tous les aspects de la civilisation galloise, y compris les nombreuses contributions des Gallois dans le monde entier, il sert d’excellente introduction à une histoire longue et riche”.

Review by Dr. Dafydd Johnston, the director of the CAWCS (The University of Wales’ Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies)

Review by Dr. Dafydd Johnston, the director of the CAWCS (The University of Wales’ Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies)

“Glyn German has drawn together the latest scholarship to present a highly informative chronological survey of Welsh history. Readers who turn to it as a handy work of reference will soon find themselves hooked by the fascinating story it has to tell. Covering all aspects of Welsh life, including the many contributions which the people of Wales have made in the wider world, it is an excellent introduction to a long and rich history”.